In April 2018, WSDOT adopted its WTP 2035 Phase 2 implementation plan which is the 20-year implementation plan for the state transportation system. It builds on the Commission’s WTP 2035 Phase 1 policy plan and identifies key policy recommendations for development of the state’s multimodal transportation system, with a horizon from 2017-2040. WTP 2040 and Beyond starts from this strong statewide planning foundation.
The Washington Transportation Plan may be unique nationally in at least three ways:
1. It is developed collaboratively by two different state agencies;
2. It may be the only state transportation plan in the nation that is required to be consistent with state growth management planning; and
3. It is the only statewide plan that nests with one of the Growth Management Act goals.
The Transportation Commission (Commission) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) both have responsibility for long-range transportation planning. WSDOT must develop “…a statewide multimodal transportation plan under RCW 47.01.071(4) and in conformance with federal requirements, to ensure the continued mobility of people and goods within regions and across the state in a safe, cost-effective manner.”
Legislators directed the Commission and WSDOT to work together and collaborate on one long-range statewide plan that meets the state requirements of RCW 47.01.071 and RCW 47.06.040, and federal law. This coordinated approach began in December 2014 when the Transportation Commission adopted Washington Transportation Plan 2035 (WTP 2035), a 20-year policy level plan with 25 strategies and 102 recommendations addressing the six transportation policy goals of RCW 47.04.280. WSDOT subsequently developed an implementation plan for WTP 2035, which implements key policy recommendations for the development of the state’s multimodal transportation system through four focus areas and eleven action items.

The following links provide you access to WTP Phase 2 – Implementation 2017-2040.
- Executive Summary (pdf 555 kb)
- Vision, Focus Areas and Action Items Chart (extracted from Executive Summary) (pdf 89 kb)
- Plan (pdf 10.1 mb)
- Plan and Appendices (pdf 18.6 mb)
The strategic policy plan and the implementation plan work together to satisfy the federal mandate for a statewide long-range transportation plan.