The Commission’s plan must consider the needs and priorities identified in those plans. In this way, the Commission’s strategic policy plan not only reflects the priorities of the legislature but also supports implementation of those priorities at the local, regional, and state levels while identifying and advancing recommendations that address issues concerning mobility statewide.
Even were it not required, this update is warranted. Transportation today is subject to the same rapid pace of change affecting so many other aspects of our daily lives. A periodic refresh gives us a chance to look at emerging issues and opportunities, recalibrate our direction where needed, and identify near term measures that can help us address our mobility needs today and long into the future. Many things are working well, such as the increased emphasis on multimodal travel, practical solutions, and a focus on operations; we want them to continue working well. At the same time, there are stubborn challenges we’ve wrestled for years, such as funding for maintenance and preservation, and new issues are taking shape that affect all aspects of our transportation system.
Development of 2040 and Beyond required the active participation of transportation stakeholders across the state. This document reflects the input of local, regional, and state agencies, industry representatives, and funding authorities. It incorporates viewpoints on transportation from mobility advocates as well as land use, economic, social, and environmental perspectives. It considers public sector, private sector, and individual concerns. 2040 and Beyond was refined with input received at public meetings conducted around the state. In short, it is a plan for the state’s transportation system developed by transportation stakeholders
Implementation is not dependent on the work of a single agency but on the on-going and collective efforts of hundreds of stakeholders working at the local, regional, state, and tribal levels. Implementation is not a single action or set of actions, but a coordinated and continuing collaboration of efforts among the many stakeholders and other partners with overlapping interests. This is a plan for Washington’s future to ensure our transportation system supports broader community objectives about quality of life, economic health, equitable access, and environmental sustainability. Together, we will meet our mobility needs.