Welcome to 2040 & Beyond

Your Washington State Transportation Policy Plan is currently being updated. New goals coming soon.

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We are Connecting Washington communities for a healthy and prosperous future.

Connected transportation means more than just roadways, it covers all of our transportation system needs, from ship passage to cycling, to emergency vehicles and the light rail.

2040 & Beyond is a transportation policy plan for all of Washington State. It provides the overarching framework for transportation departments statewide, so that we can work together to achieve our transportation goals.

Next Section: Foundation

2040 & Beyond is a transportation plan for all of us.

This illustration shows the many modes of transportation in our state, including air travel, ferries, busses, rail, car, bicycle and pedestrian.

Through 2040 & Beyond, we're Managing Washington’s Transportation System Together.

Washington is growing quickly, and the future is now. This policy plan will provide the overarching framework for state and local transportation departments to deliver an integrated, multi-modal system that meets the travel needs for all of us.

Next Section: Policy Objectives

Our Six Statewide Transportation System Policy Goals

2040 & Beyond is based on the six statewide goals & recommendations established by the Washington State Legislature through RCW. 47.04.280.

Washington's Statewide Transportation Goals

Next Section: Regional Perspectives
This illustration represents the many uses of our Washington state transportation system, including travel by ferry and freight, ground shipping, pedestrian commuting and cycling, daily commute, agriculture, way finding and public safety.

Find Out What's Happening In Your Region

Washington State RTPO Map in Purple

Locate your local Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPOs) and federally chartered urban counterpart, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPOs), on our interactive maps to learn about transportation planning at your local level.

Transportation Planning Updates

Video: Making Connections


All over the state, transit agencies operate vans and small lift buses to help people like you and me live their daily lives. Learn about how transportation works for you, everyday, everywhere.

Video: From Farm to Market


International trade helps ensure a prosperous economy for Washington State. Learn about our state's top exports and the journey from farm to market.

WA's Coordinated Policy & Implementation Plans


In April 2018, WSDOT adopted a 20-year implementation plan for the state transportation system, WTP 2035 Phase 2. Phase 2 builds on the Commission’s WTP 2035 Phase 1 policy plan for development of the state’s multimodal transportation system.